EPEM S.A. – Environmental Planning, Engineering & Management is an independent environmental engineering and consulting firm.
EU Programmes
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Environmental Management
Water Resources and Wastewater Management
Quality of environment
Climate Change
Our services include:
EPEM S.A. – Environmental Planning, Engineering & Management is an independent environmental engineering and consulting firm, founded in 1992, in Athens, Greece. The firm consists of engineers and scientists.
Our offices located in Athens (Greece), Bucharest (Romania), Balikesir (Turkey), Pristina (Kosovo) and in Cyprus.
EPEM S.A. is active in Central and South-East Europe and in Mediterranean Countries. Working internationally, in developing countries and under different and difficult circumstances, give the capability in our company to deliver successful and high quality projects, of significant importance. Our international network of partners guarantees our further international expansion in these countries.
At the same time EPEM participates in international forums and collaborates with global organizations, institutions and associations such as:
- International Solid Waste Association (ISWA – Gold Member)
- World Bank
- European Commission
- Clinton Global Initiative
- University of Leeds
- Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT)
- Earth Engineering Center, Columbia University
- European Waste Forum
- Carbon Management Association
Creativity, emphasis on innovation, loyalty to our clients and high level of professionalism, constitute EPEM’s competitive advantages guarantee successful development of high quality sustainable solutions, even to the most complex environmental problems.
For EPEM, success criteria depend on the implementation of sustainable solutions for environmental problems. We are seeking for solutions beyond the limits of conventional consulting services.
According to this philosophy, EPEM:
- provides an integrated approach for each project: from the initial planning and the feasibility study, to the assurance of its efficient operation
- identifies the client’s needs before and after the typical contract limits
- satisfies its client’s by proposing sustainable and realistic solutions
Our main goal is client’s satisfaction. EPEM’s team listen the needs of its clients and provide solutions taking into account their culture. We seek to develop relations of mutual trust and cooperation, in order to deliver integrated and high quality work, which will not only solve the problem in question, but will also improve the environmental, financial and social conditions.
Innovation is a crucial component for EPEM’s work. Our clients benefit from the development of new implementation methodologies and software applications that guarantee the quality and promptitude of our work. We are continuously following the technological and scientific developments by participating in international conferences and major organizations and forums.
TITLE: Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan for the cities of Durres, Korce and Berat in Albania
CLIENT: Greek Ministry of Environment / Development Assistance Committee (DAC)
DURATION: 12/2000 – 6/2002
The project was financed by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and included:
- Inventory of the current situation on solid waste (quantities, waste streams) and its management (collection, transport, recycling, environmental problems etc). The inventory was the basis of the proposed management plan.
- Investigation of common waste management with neighboring cities and villages.
- Investigation of practical options for waste recycling and recovery.
- Development of waste management tools.
- Implementation of the above-mentioned tools in the 2 cities and development of sustainable waste management plans.
- Identification of waste disposal sites and initial design.
- Elaboration of an action plan for the implementation of the solid waste management plan in each city, including cost estimation.
TITLES: Capacity building in the Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia – Herzegovina, Bulgaria, FYROM, Romania and Serbia) in order to deal with the climate change problem
CLIENT: Greek Ministry of Environment / DAC – OECD
DURATION: 5/2001 – 9/2002
The project was implemented in the framework of the DAC – OECD program in the Sector of Environment and Sustainable Development and was co-financed by the Greek Ministry for Environment. The project aimed to develop capacity building concerning climate change in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, FYROM, Romania and Serbia.
The project comprised of the following activities:
- Compilation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions inventory
- Projections of GHG emissions
- Identification and evaluation of policies and measures aiming to reduce GHG emissions
- Development of National Action Plans
- Development of databases / training of personnel
- Evaluation of existing administrative structures
- Transfer of energy conservation technologies and environmentally sound technologies
- Adjustment of the existing national legal framework related to the exploitation of Flexible Mechanisms – Identification of priority activities which could be developed
- Dissemination actions
TITLES: Technical Assistant for compliance with the EIA Directives (EUROPΕAID/119165/C/SV/BA)
CLIENT: EC / Ministry of Environment of Bosnia – Herzegovina
DURATION: 2/2005 – 2/2006
TThe project was implemented by the companies «ENVECO SA – EPEM SA »and aimed at the sustainable environmental management in Bosnia – Herzegovina, in order to adapt to the European standards and to increase the skills of the personnel of the Ministry of Environment (Federation of BiH and Republika Srpska), in order to manage Environmental Impact Assessment issues.
The project included:
- Analysis and evaluation of the existing methodology for Environmental Impact Assessment
- Preparation of a review of the methodology for Environmental Impact Assessment (in accordance with the European acquis – Directives 97/11 and 96/61), proposals in relation to arrangements in the legislative framework and administrative structures
- Proposals for disclosure and public participation
TITLES: Preliminary and final study for the landfill in the area of Bijelina, Bosnia – Herzegovina
CLIENT: EKO-DEP / World Bank
DURATION: 8/2007 – 8/2008
The project is funded by the World Bank and implemented by the Joint Venture «EPEM SA – HIDROZAVOD DTD ». The study included:
- Site work. Illustration of the land, drilling, calculation of solid waste quantities that will be driven to the landfill etc.
- Preliminary landfill design study
- Suggested methods for solid waste treatment in the area
- Rehabilitation study of the existing uncontrolled landfill
- Proposals for the siting and operation of transfer stations
- Environmental impact assessment study
- Preliminary cost benefit analysis for the landfill
- Final landfill study
- Final cost benefit analysis for the landfill
- Operation manual for the landfill
The regional World Bank office appraised the project for the outstanding landfill design and the development of the “Landfill operation handbook”.
TITLES: Audit for the wastewater treatment plant in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
CLIENT: TEDK Association, Crete
In the framework of the program «Wastewater management and assessment of the most appropriate techniques for the Mediterranean Region», EPEM prepared the audit for the expansion and upgrading of the sewage treatment plant of Plovdiv, of an equivalent capacity of 1.000.000 inhabitants. After several field visits for the detailed recording and monitoring of the project’s characteristics, EPEM proposed specific interventions, both structural and functional, for the upgrading and optimization of its operation. In addition EPEM estimated the cost of expansion and upgrading projects and proposed programs (PHARE, ISPA etc.) for funding.
TITLES: Consulting services in the framework of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control law and harmonization with the IPPC Directive, in Cyprus
CLIENT: Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus (Environmental Agency)
DURATION: 8/2006 – 3/2007
The project’s objective was the assessment of the current situation, compared to the Best Available Techniques (BATs), and to prepare the permit terms for the industrial installations under the IPPC Directive. The project included:
- Assessment of the current situation and the environmental impacts from the operation of all industries included in Annex 1 of the 96/61/EC Directive (IPPC), and evaluation of the use of BATs by the industries in matters such as waste production and management, energy use, water and natural resources, the risk of accidents, noise, vibration, odors, environmental management systems for the reduction and the elimination of adverse environmental impacts etc. Air emissions and air pollution issues were exempted from the scope of work.
- Study on the European reference documents on Best Available Techniques (BREFS), and IPPC licenses from three European countries for each type of industry.
- Detailed report, which included the comparison of the current situation of each industry with the one proposed in the BREFs, identification of shortcomings and submission of detailed proposals for measures to be taken to achieve harmonization with the provisions of the IPPC Directive.
- Preparation of the draft “IPPC permits” / “Waste Disposal Permits” for 14 IPPC industries in Cyprus.
TITLES: Consulting services for the preparation of a) feasibility study and environmental, siting and techno-economic study, and b) tender documents for the construction and operation of the asbestos waste landfill
CLIENT: Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus (Environmental Agency)
DURATION: 1/2006
The project is implemented by the partnership «EPEM SA – SYVILLA Ltd – P. Nikolaidis Ltd – IA.CO Ltd». The main objective of the consultancy services is to develop an integrated management plan for the asbestos wastes. The specific objectives include:
- review of relevant legislation and international experience / practice
- recording and analyzing the current situation in Cyprus
- inventory of existing quantities of the available material for future management, as potential waste of both the private and public sector
- analysis and evaluation of alternative management methods, for the case of Cyprus
- formulating an integrated management plan
- siting of a disposal area for the asbestos waste
- preparation of terms of reference for construction and operation of a disposal area of the asbestos waste
- estimation of the cost of investment and operation
- investigation of the private sector participation in the implementation / operation of the project
TITLES: Final study for the “Construction and operation of the landfill and the transfer stations for municipal solid waste, in Pafos”
DURATION: 09/2003 – 04/2004
The Pafos landfill was constructed to meet the needs of disposal of municipal solid waste in the wider area of the province of Pafos. After the implementation of recycling programs ~15% of the waste will be driven in the landfill or 36.000 ± 5% tn of solid waste per year. EPEM prepared the final study for the landfill works (cells A1 + A2, capacity 770.000 m3) and in particular:
- Configurations of the basin, internal roads, service areas and infrastructure
- Waterproofing
- Rainwater management – flood protection
- Collection and treatment of leachate
- Biogas collection and combustion
- Environmental monitoring works
- Temporary storage of hazardous waste and procurement of equipment
- Study for the organization and operation
TITLES: Paper recycling study in the Municipality of Fes, Morocco
CLIENT: TEDK Association, Crete
DURATION: 8/2006 – 3/2007
In the framework of a program for the exchange of expertise and experience in Solid Waste Management issues, involving local communities in Greece, Portugal, Morocco and Tunisia, and funded by the ECOS – OUVERTURE program, EPEM prepared the study for the recovery and recycling of waste paper of the city Fes, in Morocco. Additionally, EPEM was involved in organizing and implementing an educational program aimed at engineers and other local technicians on the management, treatment, recovery and disposal of solid waste.
TITLES: Technical assistance for the review and qualitative improvement of waste management and remediation programme documents supported by Cohesion Fund in Hungary (EuropeAid/119341/D/SV/HU)
CLIENT: EC / Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Υδάτων της Ουγγαρίας
DURATION: 9/2004 –
he project was implemented in the framework of the ISPA (Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession) Program and was elaborated by “EPEM SA (leader) – BC Berlin Consult GmbH – KszI Ltd”.
The project’s main goal was to provide technical assistance to the Hungarian competent authorities (Ministry of Environment and Water, Municipalities, National Development Office etc), in order to ensure the technically and economically effective implementation of the scheduled solid waste management and site remediation projects, as well as to accomplish the optimum utilization of the financing deriving from the Cohesion Fund.
The project referred to works to be developed in eight areas of Hungary, namely: County of Szabolcs–Szatmar–Bereg, Urom – Csokavar, Region of Mecsek–Drava, Mid-Danube Region, Town Gyor, Sopron Region, Heves Region and Mosonmagyarovar Region.
The works in the project area involved the construction of 15 landfills, 20 transfer stations, 10 material recycling facilities, 40 composting plants and 2 waste incinerators, as well as the restoration of sites of ~3.000 m2 and the utilization of ~300 waste dumpsites.
The project’s specific objectives included:
- Review and assessment of the feasibility, EIA and techno-economic studies
- Selection of the optimum waste management solution, in terms of technical and economic performance
- Preparation of the Application Forms to the Cohesion Fund
- Preparation of the tender documents for the construction works
- Support during the tendering phase
- Training of the actors involved in the preparation and implementation of the construction works (PIU, Municipal Authorities, MoEW etc)
- Preparation of the Public Relations plan
Additionally, EPEM provided the conceptual study for waste incineration in Hungary, the strategy and action plan in implementing waste management projects utilizing Public Private Partnerships and EU funds and the prioritization of the works to be financed by EU funds.
TITLES: Consultancy Services for the project “Hellenic Participation in the MEAP Programme of FYROM – Financing the construction of a Wastewater Treatment Plant” in Strumica, FYROM
CLIENT: Greek Ministry of Environment / MEAP
DURATION: 12/2001 – 12/2003
The consulting services related to the identification of the Wastewater Treatment Plant’s construction works, the construction cost of the facility and any other regional projects, as well as to the development of a detailed work plan, the preparation of a preliminary plan for the construction works and other necessary studies, the preparation of tender documents, the monitoring of the construction works and the operation test, throughout the duration of the project.
EPEM was responsible for planning the effective use of funds, aiming to the completion of the construction, i.e. a fully functional wastewater treatment plant, conventional with other projects that were manufactured in FYROM, under the MEAP program.
Specifically, this program, among others, included:
- identification of the physical and economic magnitude of the construction unit, and the timetable-project duration,
- clarification and definition of the procedural issues,
- update of the timetable for the project implementation,
- technical support to the Greek Ministry of Environment for making all necessary contacts with the stakeholders in FYROM and the EBRD,
- preparation of tender documents for the construction works and support services to the Greek Ministry of Environment in the tender procedures,
- monitoring of the construction works until the planned completion date.
Over the course of the program, EPEM worked closely with the Greek Ministry of Environment, the EBRD, the Government of FYROM, the local authorities in the city of Stroumitsa, as well as with all the bodies established in the recipient country for the implementation of the MEAP Program.
TITLES: Wastewater management of Bitola region – Wastewater treatment plant of Gevgelia municipality
CLIENT: Hellenic Agency for Local Development and Local Government (EETAA) / Development Assistance Committee (DAC)
DURATION: 6/2002-12/2003
The wastewater management study of the Municipalities of Bitola and Gevgeli in FYROM was elaborated by EPEM under the five-year development programs implemented by the Greek Ministry of Interior in cooperation with the EETAA.
The study reflected the current situation of wastewater sources, processing and disposal, as well as the management bodies. Moreover, solutions were proposed on the necessary treatment facilities of industrial and municipal wastewater, including their siting, technical characteristics and the estimated construction and operation cost. Finally, alternative funding sources were examined. The proposed treatment works were evaluated for funding under the Phare program.
TITLES: Technical assistance for the preparation of 5 projects in the environmental sector in Romania (EuropeAid/123053/D/SV/RO)
CLIENT: Romanian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
DURATION: 8/2007 –
EPEM, as a member of the Joint Venture “KOCKS Consult GmbH – Enviroplan SA – EPEM SA – ROMAIR Consulting Ltd”, supports the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development during the preparation of the solid waste management projects in 5 counties in the western part of Romania. The counties under examination include:
- Salaj County
- Cluj County
- Caras Severin County
- Alba County
- Timis County
The project preparation includes the following activities:
- Preparation of County master plans for the management of solid waste
- Preparation of feasibility and cost benefic analysis studies for the proposed works
- Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Studies and completion of the environmental permitting procedure for the proposed works
- Capacity building of the waste management authorities – Training seminars
- Preparation of the application for funding from the European Regional Development Fund
- Preparation of the tender dossiers for the works, services and supplies and support during the tendering procedure
TITLES: Environmental statistics survey (EuropeAid/114921/D/SV/RO)
CLIENT: EC / Romanian Ministry of Economy and Finance
DURATION:11/2003 – 11/20042
EPEM undertook, as part of an international consortium of companies, the study of restructuring and integration of the Statistical Office and the Ministry of Environment of Romania to the European Union standards, in terms of environmental statistical issues. The project was implemented under the PHARE program.
In the project framework, EPEM undertook to coordinate the national register of air emissions in Romania and to prepare the first national report of the country’s sustainable development.
Specifically, in relation to the air emissions inventory, EPEM had the responsibility of implementing the following sub-projects:
- Create a list of substances for which emissions are calculated in accordance with the EU law and practice
- Development of methodology and organization of the collection of statistical data necessary for calculating air emissions
- Software development for the calculation of emissions based on the CORINAIR methodology and international IPCC guidelines
- Support the Romanian authorities in the calculation of air emissions for 2002
- Dissemination of results
In connection with the Romanian national report on sustainable development, EPEM had the responsibility of implementation of the following sub-projects:
- Develop criteria for selecting sustainability indicators for the environment.
- Assessment of the selected indicators
- Prepare the sustainability report in Romania, taking into account the values of indicators over the period 1998 – 2002
- Publication and dissemination of results.
TITLES: Integrated healthcare waste management in Istanbul, (LIFE00TCY/ TR/000054)
CLIENT: Turkish National Committee on Solid Waste / EU – LIFE 3rd Countries
DURATION: 3/2002 – 9/2004
The project was funded by the EU “LIFE-3rd Countries” program and aimed at the design of an integrated healthcare waste management system in Istanbul, the minimization of health and environmental impacts and the compliance of the Turkish legislation with that of the EU. The project included:
- Analysis of the current situation
– Review the legislative framework – proposals for improvement
– Inventory of healthcare waste sources and assessment of their management
– Field research, based on specific questionnaires sent to hospitals in Istanbul. The «rapid assessment» technique was used to estimate waste from small and diffuse sources - Inventory System
– Establish an information system to record the collected data
– Categorize the waste (depending on content – hazardousness) - Management Plan
– Investigation on volume reduction
– Network collection (planning – developing procedures for collection, separation and packing) - Supporting actions
– Provide guidelines for the establishment and operation of a Healthcare Waste Management Center
– Information campaigns and seminars
– Dissemination of results (website, workshops, video)
TITLES: Action plan for the site location and the development of the design, operation and EIA methods of sanitary landfills in Egyptian governorates (LIFE98 TCY/ET/152)
CLIENT: Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency / EU – LIFE 3rd Countries
DURATION: 3/1999 – 9/2002
EPEM was the external technical consultant to the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency. The project’s objectives included:
- Identification of the optimal areas (site selection) for the construction of landfill sites in the 27 Egyptian governorates
- Identification of best practices for solid waste treatment
- Development of decision support tools for solid waste management
- Promotion of know how transfer to the Egyptian competent authorities
- Restructure of the solid waste management strategy in Egypt
The project consisted of several innovations, mainly due to the methods that were developed in order to identify the optimal landfill sites. The project also included the formulation of an action plan (estimation of the investment and operational costs of the National Program for sanitary landfilling, set-up of the criteria for the selection of the financing scheme that will be used in order to implement and operate the Program and set-up of the environmental, geographic and economic priorities of the Program) and support / dissemination actions for the reinforcement of administrative structures and the promotion of the action plan (training of the EEAA staff and formulation of relevant additional executive regulations).
TITLES: Integrated industrial solid waste management in Egypt (LIFE99 TCY/ET/072)
CLIENT: Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency / EU – LIFE 3rd Countries
DURATION: 5/2001 – 5/2003
The objective of the project was to develop an integrated plan (local action plan) for the management of industrial solid waste in the 6th of October industrial estate, in order to serve in the future as a model for the overall industrial solid waste management in Egypt. The provision of support to build up capacity for the management of industrial solid waste was within the project’s scope.
The project included the selection of the state of the art practices for industrial solid waste management (ISWM), as well as, alternative techniques and methods for solid waste treatment and disposal. The possibilities of waste minimization and waste exchange were also examined, as well as the Life Cycle Assessment for several industrial products.
An inventory was developed in the project’s framework, containing 700 industrial facilities, which were examined regarding their processes and solid waste. Waste factors were used (rapid assessment) and a database was developed.
An Action Plan was developed, as well as tender document for the Industrial Solid Waste Management system of the 6th of October. The project also included the training of the governmental personnel on the implementation and monitoring of the system. The results were disseminated through leaflets, workshops and the web.
EPEM was the external technical consultant to the EEAA. For further information: http://www.eeaa.gov.eg/iiswm/
TITLES: Support Waste Management in Kosovo (EuropeAid/133800/C/SER/XK)
CLIENT: EU / represented by the EU Office in Kosovo
DURATION: 20/1/2014 – now
The project’s overall objective is to contribute, via the upgrading of waste management (WM), to the sustainable and continuous improvement of the quality of the natural environment of Kosovo, in order to reach EU standards, especially in relation to public health and economic development. The project aims at strengthening the institutional capacities of the central and local competent authorities on issues related to the drafting of policies and plans and implementing effective measures for environmental improvement, with focus on WM, via the utilization of national and EU financing mechanisms. Among the project’s main goals is to promote waste generation reduction, categorization, sustainable collection, reuse/recycling treatment and safe disposal of residues. More specifically, the project consisted of the following activities:
- Task 1: Development of an Information Management System on waste
- Task 2: Development of a Master Plan for the implementation of waste management priority projects
- Task 3: Elaboration of EIA studies, detailed Design and TDs for the priority project projects to be financed by IPA (in addition to an “urgent” project – sanitary landfill – in N. Kosovo)
- Task 4: Application guidelines for Grants to the environmentally friendly packaging producers
- Task 5: Public awareness campaign
Over the course of the program, EPEM worked closely with the Greek Ministry of Environment, the EBRD, the Government of FYROM, the local authorities in the city of Stroumitsa, as well as with all the bodies established in the recipient country for the implementation of the MEAP Program.
EPEM is located in a privately owned and newly refurbished building in the center of Athens.
(+30) 21 0862 7598
141 Β Acharnon Str.
104 46 Athens, Greece