EPEM SA and Grant Thornton, co-organized a special event last March in Greece, with the support of the British Embassy in Athens, entitled “PPPs & Integrated Solid Waste Management: The opportunities of Greece and the experience of Manchester” presenting the course of implementation, as well as the existing experiences, from the larger *PPP project in solid waste management in Europe .

(Click here to download the presentation)

The Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority along with Viridor Laing, they have created a network of state-of-the-art recycling and waste management facilities in the context of a 25 year private finance initiative (PFI) contract. Within a 776 million Euros construction programme, they’ve offered a long-term sustainable solution for the 1.1 million tonnes of municipal waste.

The Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority, the biggest **WDA in England, serves 9 of the association of Greater Manchester Authorities’ (AGMA’s) Waste Collection Authorities (WCAs) and disposes the 5% of the nation’s waste.


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