30/9/2013:Workshop on the LAP implementation in Chania [
view video]
23/9/2013: Workshop on the LAP implementation in Kozani [
view video]
19-20/9/2013: Project presentation in the ISWA / UNEP Workshop on “GHG and SLCP Emission Quantification Methodologies”, Paris, France
view photos]
17/9/2013: Workshop on the LAP implementation in Komotini [
view photos]
16-18/7/2013: Project (and paper) presentation in the 8th International Technical Conference on Solid Waste, Lisbon, Portugal
23–25/5/2013: Project (and paper) presentation in the 9th Pan-Hellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Conference, NTUA, Athens
18/5/2013: DIAAMATH in collaboration with the Rodopi Scouts organized an all day event on “Recycle with source separation!”, Komotini
view photos]
25/4/2013: Project presentation in the Networking Event / Workshop of the LIFE+ 2020 ENERGY-WASTE Project, NTUA, Athens
April 2013: DIAAMATH participated in information events of high school students for the importance of recycling and the concept of Greenhouse Effect in the Earth environment
view photos]
28/3/2013: DIAAMATH organized a workshop in the framework of the short-term action B5 – “Pilot monitoring of three (3) waste streams of municipal solid waste produced at
household level”, Komotini [
view photos]
30/11-1/12/2012:Project presentation in the 4th International Congress of the Hellenic Solid Waste Management
Association, NTUA, Athens
28/11/2012:A 9-month extension of the project duration (until 30/9/2013) was approved by the EC
26/10/2012:Presentation of the WASTE-C-CONTROL project and the Software Tool to the Sanitation Department of the Municipality
of Athens
12/10/2012:Meeting of project management team with the participation of the EC Technical and Financial Desk Officers and the
External Monitoring Team
5/10/2012:Project presentation in the Sustainability Forum AIT, Athens
1/10/2012:Meeting of project management team
17-19/9/2012:Project presentation in the ISWA World Solid Waste Congress 2012, Florence, Italy
view photo 1], [
view photo 2]
view video]
2–14/9/2012:Project presentation in the 23rd National Conference of the Greek Operational Research (EEEE), entitled
"Management of Energy Resources and Systems", NTUA, Athens
5/7/2012:Meeting of project management team
28-29/6/2012:Project presentation in the LIFE 20-year Anniversary Event / ATHENS 2012, NTUA, Athens
view photo]
13/6/2012: Project presentation in the final workshop of the LIFE07 ENV/GR/000282 "Developing Local Plans for Climate
Change Mitigation by 2020" program, Volos [
view photo]
19–20/4/2012:Participation in the DAKOFA / ISWA Waste & Climate Beacon Conference, Copenhagen [
view photo]
5/4/2012:Articles in the local press [
Elefthero Vima,
Chaniotika Nea,
3/4/2012:Meeting of project management team with the participation of the External Monitoring Team (site visit in the WM sanitary landfill in Kozani)
2/4/2012:Workshop / LAP presentation at Kozani [
view photo]
22/3/2012:Workshop / LAP presentation at Chania [
view photo]
6/3/2012: Workshop / LAP presentation at Komotini [
view photo 1,
view photo 2,
view video]
6/3/2012:Meeting of project management team
23/11/2011:Training on the Software Tool [
view video]
28/9/2011: Meeting of project management team
31/8/2011: Article in the newspapers [
Proini pdf], [
Tharros pdf],
Grammi pdf],and [
Proinos Logos pdf]
7/7/2011: Official replacement by the EC of the Associated Beneficiary DEDAPAL with DIADYMA (Waste Management System of Western Macedonia)
30/6/2011: Submission of Inception Report
13/6/2011: Meeting of project management team
26-28/5/2011: Project dissemination in the 5th meeting of the Greek Solid Waste Management Authorities, in Kozani
14/4/2011:Article in the "Chaniotika Nea" [
view newspaper link]
14/4/2011:Project presentation in the in the EEDSA / ISWA workshop: "Waste Management and Climate Change", Athens [
view photo]
13/4/2011:Project presentation in the local channels "NEW TV" and "KYDON TV" of Crete [
view video]
13/4/2011:Meeting of project management team with the External Monitoring Team and site visit in the waste management facility, Chania
17/2/2011:Project presentation in the "Kick off meeting LIFE09 projects", Athens
16/2/2011:Meeting of project management team
6/12/2010:Article in the "Chaniotika Nea" newspaper [
view pdf]
15-17/11/2010:Project dissemination in the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), World Congress 2010: Urban Development and Sustainability -
A Major Challenge for Waste Management in the 21st Century, in Hamburg
10/2010:Articles in the "Water & Waste" journal [
view pdf] and the "Neapolis" newspaper
view pdf]
4/10/2010:Kickoff meeting
1/10/2010:Official project start date